Monday, August 17, 2009

Kazoo Blues.

Hey guys... this was a request from my bestest buddy Ms.Kazoo!!! 2nd requested poem...(1st was Tides, that was for Super Sage)

also~ this is a rough draft....

Kazoo Blues

The realms of my soul,

Intermingling together, through a black hole.

Dark against light, a classic story of thief meets knight.

I wish I could steal her heart,

And find the true meaning of “never to part”.

But alas, that is not right!

As she could fall from a building,

She could fall from a tree,

But the worst way to fall,

Is in love with me!

For but the years I have left,

She has double,

Could I knowingly make her endure,

All of that trouble?

Sunday, August 16, 2009



If I were to die tonight, would anyone care?

Would anyone see?

Would I make a sound, or die like a tree?

And If I die like a tree,

How would it come to be?

Would I fall with the force of an oak?

Or would I suffocate in my own pine smoke?

Could man cut me down, like so many others?

Would I drown in my own tears, for my fallen brothers?

However I come to be,

I can only hope I end just being me.